17:53:49 From Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her) to Everyone: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lH2YS0c=/ 17:58:53 From Mari Simbana Bernalillo County Open Space to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): There are staff from Senior and Social Services who engage and facilitate community serving projects. Contact is George Schroeder 17:59:58 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): oh, I need to be made a cohost too 18:00:00 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): please 18:00:56 From Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her) to Mari Simbana Bernalillo County Open Space(Direct Message): Thanks!!! 18:01:35 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone: Good evening, thank you for joining us! We'll get started right at 6:05 so that everyone has a chance to join us. 18:01:53 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone: Please "sign in" by putting your name and organization in the chat. 18:02:16 From Kathleen, Albuquerque to Everyone: Kathleen Smith, private citizen 18:02:33 From Russell Brito, PNM to Everyone: Good evening. Russell Brito, PNM 18:02:49 From Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her) to Carrie Barkhurst (she, hers) | CABQ Planning(Direct Message): Oops! Errant click 18:03:04 From Greg Weirs to Everyone: Greg Weirs, Nob Hill NA 18:03:29 From Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her) to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message): Would you record tonight? I always forget! 18:03:32 From Rahim Kassam to Everyone: Rahim Kassam, Nob Hill NA. Thanks! 18:03:35 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): Sure thing! 18:04:13 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): Good evening, thank you for joining us! We'll get started right at 6:05 so that everyone has a chance to join us. Please "sign in" by putting your name and organization in the chat. 18:04:23 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone: Good evening, thank you for joining us! We'll get started right at 6:05 so that everyone has a chance to join us. Please "sign in" by putting your name and organization in the chat. 18:04:24 From Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her) to Everyone: Welcome all! Feeling good! 18:04:54 From Gabby to Everyone: Gabby - UNM Planning Student 18:05:08 From Aaron Moore to Everyone: Hi I'm Aaron. I go to school at UNM 18:06:13 From Patricia Willson to Everyone: Patty Willson, Victory Hills NA, District 6 Coalition 18:09:50 From Patricia Willson to Everyone: agreed 18:10:00 From Greg Weirs to Everyone: agree 18:10:03 From Shay Armijo - Parks CABQ to Everyone: yes 18:10:04 From Russell Brito, PNM to Everyone: AGreed 18:10:07 From Kathleen, Albuquerque to Everyone: I agree. 18:10:07 From Sebastian Adamczyk-FCS to Everyone: Agree 18:10:08 From Mariela Ruiz-Angel to Everyone: agree 18:10:09 From Gabby to Everyone: Agree 18:10:10 From Aaron Moore to Everyone: agree 18:10:27 From Mari Simbana Bernalillo County Open Space to Everyone: Agree. Thank you 18:16:26 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone: Check out the presentation, comments and ideas from other groups, and other engagement opportunities: https://cpa.abc-zone.com/near-heights-public-engagement 18:20:10 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone: Let us know who we’re reaching! https://tinyurl.com/engage-NearHeights 18:20:34 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone: Join the Near-Heights mailing list: https://cpa.abc-zone.com/near-heights-contact-us 18:20:44 From Patricia Willson to Everyone: do you want survey filled out each session? I know I’ve filled it out at least once. 18:21:38 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone: Yes please! It'll help us understand who went to each session 18:21:46 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone: Miro Board link: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lH2YS0c=/ 18:21:59 From Greg Weirs to Everyone: The survey says I already filled it out. 18:24:10 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone: Thanks for letting us know! We'll change the settings to allow you to fill it out next time, but for tonight no worries! 18:25:31 From Aaron Moore to Everyone: wow 18:38:56 From Gabby to Everyone: APD is in its 7th year of being monitored for using excessive force, what has APD done to reform it's practices? 18:39:10 From Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her) to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message): Missed some of the resources. Can you check my stickies in the matrix next to transportation? 18:39:18 From Gabby to Everyone: *Monitored by court order 18:40:04 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): Sure thing- looks like you have them? 18:41:23 From Gabby to Everyone: How much training is dedicated to using conflict resolution and de-escalation vs. using weapons? 18:42:46 From Mari Simbana Bernalillo County Open Space to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): I must go. Please let me know or refer public to me if there are Open Space questions about Marble Open Space (Marble and Espanola) UNM North Golf Course 18:50:40 From Greg Weirs to Everyone: I think callers may overstate the urgency because otherwise no one responds to the call. 18:54:14 From Cmdr. Johnny Yara to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): give me a sec be right back 18:55:56 From Gabby to Everyone: I was very grateful the police were very chill. They seemed even apologetic they were called. 18:56:18 From Mariela Ruiz-Angel to Everyone: Mariela Ruiz-Angel, mra@cabq.gov 18:59:16 From Patricia Willson to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): hey Mikaela, gotta run. See you Thursday. 19:00:35 From Greg Weirs to Mikaela R-W | CABQ Planning (she/her)(Direct Message): I think the city representatives could focus on specifics of the questions and be more concise in their responses. 19:06:32 From Russell Brito, PNM to Everyone: How does ACS coordinate with Animal Services when a homeless person with a dog needs help or is in distress? 19:08:30 From Mariela Ruiz-Angel to Everyone: We are still working on figuring that out. That is a major barrier for why some individuals wont' go to a shelter. 19:08:41 From Cmdr. Johnny Yara to Everyone: Russel in the SE apd does outreach twice a week and with donations we area able to provide meals for the unsheltered as well as little bags of dog food for their family dog. SE officer do our best and woek with anim,al welfare to ensure their pets are taken care of! 19:12:30 From Aaron Moore to Everyone: drug and alchohol stats seemed really small on the map, but so many crimes seem to be blamed on drugs. Can you speak to this? 19:17:35 From Greg Weirs to Everyone: Many of the district 6 neighborhoods are concerned about the Gibson Gateway, especially the large scale, less so the actual services. Are there any specific resources designated to ensure that the nearby neighborhoods do not suffer collateral effects of hosting this citywide service? 19:17:49 From Greg Weirs to Everyone: What can the city do to help residents and neighborhoods expand their community watch participation? 19:18:22 From Greg Weirs to Everyone: The Lead-Coal corridor has been a problem for drag racing, speeding and collisions, and has been this way for a long time. You don’t have to respond here but please record this is an issue. 19:19:32 From Greg Weirs to Everyone: What city resources are available to minimize the likelihood that vacant commercial properties become magnets for or seeds of crime? 19:26:25 From Aaron Moore to Everyone: Are there more drugs in this area than others or just more visible drugs? I know there is probs not time to answer it, but I think I've seen stats showing there is about just as much drug use in affluent areas as poor areas, so I was wondering about your knowledge around this 19:29:22 From Monica Newcomer Miller to Everyone: Specifically looking at Wellesley Ave between Gibson and Anderson Ave. 19:31:14 From Monica Newcomer Miller to Everyone: Are there ways to become involved with that area to the east of the golf course, specifically? 19:32:49 From Kathleen, Albuquerque to Everyone: Thank you! 19:33:15 From Russell Brito, PNM to Everyone: Burque! 19:33:16 From Christopher Romero to Everyone: Have a good night everyone!