18:48:33 Is everyone else getting called back in. 19:31:47 Oh right, so good I learned so much. 19:31:53 I just want to encourage everybody to continue to come to focus groups this week. 19:31:59 The next one is on public safety and community services so if you did not get enough of commander Yarra and Mattila, you get more tomorrow night so we'd love to see y'all back tomorrow at 6pm there other focus groups at this week at lunch and evening 19:32:16 time so please look for that on our website, please please please fill out our little demographic survey so that we know who we're reaching. And thank you, thank you for your time and your energy and your tireless advocacy for your patience with our kids 19:32:32 popping in and out of the screen, Patty you're the star you've been to so many of these we really really appreciate it. So, I hope to see many more of your faces. 19:32:43 Throughout this week and as we continue on and the assessment for near heights honor you all have good evenings Enjoy your family's. 19:32:52 Thank you. 19:33:05 At least he is happy but Kayla. 19:33:08 Yeah, they're the natives are. Yeah. They're, they're wanting mom. 19:33:14 I don't blame them. 19:33:18 Well, Christina, it's so very weird to be talking to, Whitney space, but I'm so glad you are here tonight how your conversation go. 19:33:28 I'm good. 19:33:30 Um, someone did have a question, and put his name, his contact information in the chat but I wasn't able to capture it before it out. Okay, so you can just email it to me tomorrow. 19:33:42 Absolutely, yeah. 19:33:45 This is Greg, I got it. Hey, cool. 19:33:48 I have I got Christina's email. That's what I was saying, I will send you an email. 19:33:52 Okay. Perfect. Thank you Greg. 19:33:56 Actually I think it was someone else to though. 19:33:59 Oh, I will. I'll do a search and send it to someone with the last name starting with an L. 19:34:06 Okay, got it. Okay. 19:34:08 Thank you. Christina Shay You are a rock star Thank you so much. 19:34:13 All right. 19:34:15 You too will circle back you guys see you tomorrow to say yes thank you. 19:34:21 I assume it's going to be a lot of the same conversation for you, Christina. 19:34:26 Okay, well, I'm getting used to it. 19:34:34 Yeah did was it a lot about 19:34:39 homelessness tonight. No, actually tonight. It was mostly about joint use and why people can't let the dogs running football over Bandelier. 19:34:55 Oh, you just never know what it's going to be well and it's funny, the little closed caption instead of proof it said football. 19:35:11 Okay. 19:35:13 Yeah, I love it for everybody. Yeah. 19:35:17 All right. Good night. Good night. Okay. Good night, thanks Christina by Shay travel safe. 19:35:29 How'd it go Rebecca. We have one member of the public and every one so we got to have nice in depth conversations about their priorities. 19:35:40 Yes, we had, we had two and one and zero and another one like three I think in the first one so. 19:35:51 But it was good we had really good and very different conversations, so I 19:35:57 thought it was good. Sean had years ago, 19:36:04 it went pretty well we had no one in the first one, and then one in each, the second and the third breakout room, it was Christopher, and they're just so great and you know have tons of ideas and lots of questions and so that one was mostly Christopher 19:36:28 asking questions. Right. And like sharing great ideas so I tried to capture all of them. 19:36:34 Love it, love it, search was the where people a little bit better at getting in and out of rooms there weren't many, many folks who know by, you know, two or three every time but some people were on their phone so they're having trouble but yeah, I was 19:36:51 able to get everyone where they want it to go. 19:36:53 Okay. 19:36:56 Oh my god Michaela look at you and you're organized on the grid sticky notes. 19:37:03 I gotta tell you, I was just as the time was getting nearer and nearer for this, I was just like I can't, I can't, I just I can't, I don't have energy, like, if anybody gives me another idea i'm just going to explode like I just. 19:37:18 And then for what I think it was because Commissioner Barboza was in the first one so I was like, I will do this, 19:37:27 be organized I will use the kid. 19:37:32 like and then it just got me in the flow. So, yeah. Anyway, it kind of works if you use it 19:37:39 well and I think some of it so 19:37:45 I think the grid is laid out really well. 19:37:49 Some of it depends on the flow of comes ABS conversation and absolutely for some reason I feel like this group of staff was like better able to be like here's an answer. 19:37:59 Here's the you know and not everyone who has been dragged along for this ride so far has been awesome. But like the parks people are on it. Yeah. 19:38:11 Yeah, I think that's right they they've, they've stepped up and kind of just. 19:38:18 It's weird. It's weird like to say this out loud but they take ownership of their work, which, like Sean family community. I am so. 19:38:30 Hello. Hello. Hello. what are you guys doing but anyway. 19:38:35 And I was telling Rebecca, I, right, right before I started the call. 19:38:41 I was checking in with people about tomorrow's focus group because I haven't heard from quite a few people and. 19:38:49 And one of the county people. And I also by the way tonight know county people, even though they were like, oh sure will participate. 19:38:58 And then Commissioner Barbara, Barbara was there and like ratio beeps. 19:39:04 Any who was I saying about tomorrow. 19:39:08 So there's a community of her from the county her title is behavioral health, something. 19:39:16 And so I was inviting her because it's public safety and Community Services, behavioral health is one of the issues that's like hello we need to talk about it. 19:39:32 So I invited her first email went out to her like, I don't know. In March, sometime. Not Enough, enough, enough, enough and so I finally just sent her an email was like Hello Can you send somebody if you can't be there and she's like yeah you know I don't 19:39:39 really do the behavioral health clinics. Do you want me to help you find someone who does that, like, yeah. Yeah, I do. 19:39:50 Hence the emails where I've said, Please find me the right person if it's not you know that it's tomorrow. 19:40:00 Well, and I spend. 19:40:02 Well, this is a big place it's a big change for me but like I think about even in our department like how segmented, we are Yeah, right. And I mean it doesn't make me a little battery when I have to send like a pretty simple inquiry to like three different 19:40:18 people like it's just like, This is absurd. 19:40:22 But if that's how we all operate you should know who to send us to. 19:40:27 I'm gonna stop recording. 19:40:32 Um, But yeah, it's like if 19:40:37 we're very good at giving people, other people's numbers, you should be able to do it for staff. 19:40:44 Oh, we're learning a lot. I'll just say that we're learning a lot. Yeah. 19:40:51 Okay, forevermore. We can do it. 19:40:55 Wherever you are being here. We're halfway. Yep, that's right, more than halfway, right, it's really doing nine. Yeah, only. Yeah. 19:41:08 today about the fact that we are not going to do 10. Well, you're not. 19:41:14 Okay. All right. Good luck to you. I'm so sorry I just had this bouncing around in my head. 19:41:22 You guys might want to consider not calling them focus groups, unless you think that will confuse the city staff.