11:52:58 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone : https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lItLfZw=/ 11:53:40 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone : https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lItLfZw=/ 11:56:06 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Mikaela Renz-Whitmore(Direct Message) : Now that we have Jeff, can I text Shawn and let her know we don't need her? 11:57:20 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone (in Waiting Room) : Good afternoon and thank you for joining us! Well open up the meeting right at noon 11:59:06 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Terra Reed(Direct Message) : you got bangs!! 11:59:11 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Terra Reed(Direct Message) : Super cute! 11:59:25 From Terra Reed to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : Thanks I'm not used to it! 11:59:41 From Terra Reed to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : I feel like I will be playing with them the whole time :P 11:59:47 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone (in Waiting Room) : Thanks for joining us! We'll be starting in just a moment! 12:00:56 From Terra Reed (she/her) | CABQ DMD to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : Can you send me the Miro link? 12:01:20 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Terra Reed (she/her) | CABQ DMD(Direct Message) : https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lItLfZw=/ 12:01:53 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone : Hello everyone, thank you for joining us! We’ll get started in just a few minutes. Please "sign in" by putting your name and organization in the chat. 12:02:17 From Ciaran Lithgow to Everyone : Hello everyone! Ciaran Lithgow (they/them), MRA, crlithgow@cabq.gov. 12:02:23 From Russell Brito, PNM to Everyone : Russell Brito, PNM 12:02:43 From Willy Simon to Everyone : Hello everyone. Willy Simon, Mid Region Council of Governments 12:02:50 From Seth Tinkle - Parkland Hills Resident to Everyone : Seth Tinkle, Parkland Hills Resident 12:02:56 From Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : Here if I'm needed! 12:03:07 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : You're a Rockstar, thank you! 12:03:17 From Sarah Ijadi MRMPO/ Healthy Here to Everyone : Hello- Sarah Ijadi w MRMPO/ Healthy Here Initiative 12:03:17 From Jonathan Hubbarth to Everyone : Jonathan Hubbarth Oldtown resident 12:03:24 From Mikaela R-W (CABQ Planning) | she/her to Everyone : Welcome! We'll get started right at 12:05 to let everyone join us. In the meantime, please add your name to the chat to "sign in" 12:03:26 From Aubrey Harris to Everyone : Aubrey H, UNM CRP grad program 12:03:47 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : I think we're covered, we combined a room, but Jeff or I might use some support in a break out room? 12:03:58 From Forest Replogle to Everyone : Hi all, Forest Replogle here, Transportation Planner, Mid Region Council of Governments 12:03:59 From Terra Reed (she/her) | CABQ DMD to Everyone : Hello all! Terra Reed, City of Albuquerque Vision Zero Initiative, in the Department of Municipal Development. 12:06:09 From Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : Okay! 12:08:51 From Claude Morelli to Everyone : Hello all. Claude Morelli, AICP, PTP. UNM Department of Civil, Construction & Environmental Engineering 12:10:10 From Ciaran Lithgow - CABQ MRA (they/them) to Everyone : Agreed! 12:10:11 From Seth Tinkle - Parkland Hills Resident to Everyone : Agreed! 12:10:12 From Jonathan Hubbarth to Everyone : I agree 12:10:12 From Russell Brito, PNM to Everyone : Agreed 12:10:13 From Claude Morelli to Everyone : Agreed 12:10:14 From Janine Kennedy to Everyone : yes 12:10:15 From Jeff Hertz (Council Services) to Everyone : I agree! 12:10:16 From Nathan M to Everyone : Hello everyone, Nathan Masek here, Senior Transportation Planner II, MRCOG/MRMPO. 12:10:19 From Nathan M to Everyone : Agreed 12:10:22 From SWMD to Everyone : Agreed 12:10:41 From Aaron Sussman to Everyone : Agreed 12:11:00 From Perry Hampel - DMD Construction to Everyone : Agreed also 12:11:03 From Sarah Ijadi MRMPO/ Healthy Here to Everyone : agreed 12:12:41 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : Hey, are you able to turn on Closed Captioning? 12:13:54 From Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : I'm not a co-host, so I don't think so 12:14:28 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : yeah, I think only the host can, and M may have forgotten this time. Thanks! 12:15:03 From Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : Oh okay :/ 12:15:46 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone : Check out the presentation, comments and ideas from other groups, and other engagement opportunities: https://cpa.abc-zone.com/near-heights-public-engagement 12:15:46 From Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : Which rooms are you and Jeff facilitating? 12:16:37 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : I'm in the walking/biking room, Jeff's in the Streets/Medians/Intersections, M's going to be in the main room 12:18:53 From Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : I'll check in with Jeff to see if he thinks he'll need support 12:20:25 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone : Join the Near-Heights mailing list: https://cpa.abc-zone.com/near-heights-contact-us 12:20:38 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone : Let us know who we’re reaching! https://tinyurl.com/engage-NearHeights 12:21:24 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone : Miro Board for today: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lItLfZw=/ 12:22:32 From Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning to Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : Jeff said he's good, so I'll probably sign off. Feel free to call or text if you need me. 12:22:47 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Shawn Watson (she/her), CABQ Planning(Direct Message) : Thank you! Sounds good! 12:25:49 From Jonathan Hubbarth to Everyone : no 12:54:58 From Perry Hampel - DMD Construction to Everyone : Sorry need to break away for a minute 12:56:35 From Terra Reed (she/her) | CABQ DMD to Everyone : This is a useful link: https://www.envisionabq.com/ At the bottom you can access a map that shows who owns the streetlights (City or PNM) 13:03:59 From Rebecca (she/her) CABQ Planning to Everyone : Here's where we're working today: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lItLfZw=/