13:31:14 What good conversations, even as short as they were and even with the technological issues that we had, I just want to honor everybody for being here today. 13:31:22 For the love that you're sharing for this community and really the commitment from everybody side to make sure that people have the housing that they need at all income levels at all different housing types. 13:31:36 It's it. I'll go so far as to say it is just a human right and so I really honor everybody's work in that direction to provide that for our families here in Albuquerque. 13:31:47 So, thank you so much for being here. I hope that we'll see you at other focus groups, this conversation, you know, is one of many that will continue to happen in the city we don't need to solve the world's problems here today but it's, it certainly helps 13:32:00 to show the support and the interest and the commitment that all of you have that you were here today so we hope to see you at more. And for the community, who's here with us today. 13:32:12 The next step is to write these things down and you'll have the opportunity to weigh in on how that looks. So we encourage you to stay abreast of what's happening in the process, and we will see you next time. 13:32:26 Thank you, everybody. Have a good afternoon, enjoy it, weather's beautiful. 13:32:33 Bye all. 13:32:36 Thank you. Bye. 13:32:49 I'm sorry, or people hanging out or something and you guys recruiting Should I take off I can take off as just, you know, I mean, I can't hear you. 13:32:56 We, We tend to hang out and debrief after. 13:33:00 So, you're welcome to welcome to do that. 13:33:03 Okay, wouldn't mind a little bit anyways, you know, it was hard to get a lot, full, full conversation and in that time so yeah that's that's the. 13:33:15 There's the rub. You want to give people, lots of information and go deep and those two are not often compatible. 13:33:25 How does that work for you guys like I don't know what happened. 13:33:32 Did you Did everyone have the chance to join the rooms that they wanted, like it wasn't clear to me. Okay. 13:33:39 I think so, yeah, good because, like the first time I had to sign a bunch of people and then the second time everyone kind of bounced to. And I thought I hope it's not sending them back to the rooms that they were just in because that's happened to me 13:33:51 before where it only gives you the chance to join one room. But, and then the timer didn't work out like the 20 minute thing. And like I had set all those configurations and like right as you walk me through it and like you know like the 60 minute countdown 13:34:07 the 20 minute closing the room. So, you know, it's okay, did that to me too for one of them. 13:34:16 And then it worked. The other time so I don't know. 13:34:20 But you you rolled with it really well and I appreciate you just kind of, you know, doing what you have to do, so I thought people seemed seemed okay nobody was irate or shaking their fists so we had good conversations. 13:34:34 Yeah, I'm feeling really spacey now and I'm like, my, like, what am I doing. 13:34:39 Okay, how does how does the conversations go. 13:34:46 They went well in in my group conditions, and management, and we were able to connect. 13:34:55 Even some city folks and it sounds like we possibly have some paths forward connecting family community and code enforcement. Yeah, that's really exciting. 13:35:06 Yeah, that is exciting. I love the magic of getting the right people in the room and having them talk to each other. Oh, I love that. 13:35:14 What about you, Jeff came here, I think, you know, I think Miriam Hicks, she was kind of the driver for the conversation but it was her interfacing with like TJ and a few folks with family that I think was the most valuable and so I think Yeah, a lot 13:35:31 of good comments came out I I didn't have access to, to share my screen though, so I just, oh we didn't make you co host Yeah, but that's, that's fine I took everybody's notes and I got a clean clean some stuff up taking it into the right place but yeah 13:35:49 I think some good stuff, and maybe some follow up with Miriam she seems to be, you know, the biggest source for us on the finance side so she's great. 13:36:00 That's great. Yeah, our conversation went well to 13:36:06 a lot of support for at us from the folks that we talked to, so that's cool. That is cool, and quite a bit of support for for things like the tiny home village. 13:36:20 So, yeah, I think. 13:36:24 I think we, the piece again, that came up was like, how do we, 13:36:34 who's responsible for encouraging redevelopment. 13:36:40 And we look around we see stuff that's kind of limping along. 13:36:44 How can you encourage that to not just limp along but but redevelop into something and keep an affordable aspect to it. 13:36:54 And so I turned to our family and community services person in the room and was like, so can you explain to people what that magic point is when a property owners trying to decide whether the rents that they're getting our, you know enough or, at what 13:37:09 point they're going to either sell or look for a partner to redevelop and she's just like, no, I couldn't talk to you about how to repair a house like. 13:37:19 Those are the programs that we have, like, Okay, nevermind. So, that's not the magic of the right people in the room, that's like we don't, but but I mean it was illuminating light right that we don't really have, we don't have that, at the city and and. 13:37:36 Yeah. And so we had folks there to kind of talk about well this is how much growth you're expecting, and everybody's looking at it like, well there's not that much vacant land so how's that gonna work, like yeah it's that thing about. 13:37:51 When, when, when you upgrade right when you sell or when you redevelop and like that's the piece that we just don't have. 13:38:04 I'm wondering if anyone in the economic development office is also thinking about that I know their, their focus is obviously you more commercial but I'm. 13:38:16 They're obviously interested in supporting like mixed years and things, and so helping at least run the numbers like that question you asked about like where's the tipping point. 13:38:27 Um, I think people just run that themselves but I'm wondering if that is the kind of thing that i don't know i don't think so i you know i think the closest we have as Metropolitan redevelopment and I don't think they have it either. 13:38:40 And then beyond that I think we need a partner we need either you ally, or, you know some other group that is interested in the right development and good development who can who can help with that. 13:38:57 I would like to keep it at the nonprofit level I really don't want to turn to like, so nap, talk to people about, At what point they should redevelop their properties but 13:39:09 yeah but, so I heard that the late, a Land Trust came up in, in different rooms can what what came up. 13:39:20 I guess it was. 13:39:22 Sorry. 13:39:23 It was more about how do we try to do the land trust model in in places like the international district I mean how do we, you know, I think, Miriam had a good point about how Mr a plans are only working, to a certain degree when it comes to, like, reaching 13:39:43 its arms out to a certain neighborhood and trying to really bring them in, and we're giving them access to opportunities I guess she talked a lot about access to opportunities, let's just say that, and so it made me think about how you know I guess it's 13:40:01 beyond just the, the housing affordability itself but there's also the amenities that come come with the home of course to consider. And so anyway, that was, that was kind of the main focus on, we didn't get too much into the specifics on how one would 13:40:18 operate, but it was QZD ability to build equity at, as somebody who couldn't necessarily afford a private single home residents and how to incorporate to, you know, how to. 13:40:39 What's a model that allows for a wealth to start to be created and stacked. If you're not able to you know and i mean i'm, i'm not saying, I'm not. I think that they're that some of this as well. 13:40:51 Anyway, let me put that aside from it but that was I think that's the main one of the main things I heard. And then the other thing I heard in that was that there's, you know, a desire to figure out alternative forms to produce these opportunities to 13:41:06 produce these opportunities to build equity for, for those who are traditionally left out of the ability to stack equity right and over years and years, like, so what is their ship and got back the shared equity firm is an opportunity to was another big 13:41:22 part of it for sure. 13:41:25 But and the acceptance of alternative forms the willingness to explore and and be supportive of. 13:41:36 Yeah. Um. 13:41:50 Did it did it seem like there was some ideas, coke coke coalescing around, who would be a champion for that kind of thing where it would be housed. out of. 13:41:56 No. Not really, no. 13:42:00 I mean that's the hard part right everybody's like great idea somebody else do it. 13:42:03 You know, I probably should have leaned a little bit more in on that to kind of help frame them but I we ran out of time. Yeah.